Thursday, January 17, 2008

If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris...

At the Globus holiday party in December 2006, I was lucky enough to have won a set of two roundtrip tickets on Continental Airlines - anywhere in the world. We had already booked our Italy trip for March of 2007 (more posts on that later) so we had to choose another destination to travel to before December 2007. While we were in Italy we found out the offer on the house had been accepted so that put another trip off a little longer. We also figured out that we better plan to visit someone we knew so we could take advantage of their hospitality and sofa bed. :-) So we choose Paris and Eindhoven, Holland. We left for Paris in late September and arrived just in time for the Rugby World Cup being hosted by France. The photo above on the left is the jumbotron in front of the Hotel de Ville (city hall) in Paris showing World Cup matches day and night.
It turns out that the French (the whole world in fact) are pretty crazy about rugby. If you look closely at the photo on the right, you'll see an inflatable rugby ball suspended inside the Eiffel Tower!

1 comment: said...

Did you know that Denver's City of Glendale (that quaint little arrondissement next to Cherry Creek) has built an entire stadium and park dedicated to rugby? Denver (or I should say Glendale) is fast becoming the US capital of rugby.